Chevalier the Great
ATV brings Maurice Chevalier to Britain

He is the personification of the romantic Frenchman! For well over three decades he has set female hearts fluttering on at least three continents. The infectious grin, the straw hat and the cane have become the symbol of one of the world’s truly great artistes — Maurice Chevalier.
During the summer ATV signed Chevalier for two shows which gave British viewers the opportunity of seeing again the restrained charm of this internationally acclaimed artiste.
In September, Chevalier reached his 75th birthday. For over 50 years he has been on the stage. He made his theatrical debut in 1906. In 1914 he joined the French Army and was wounded in an early battle of the First World War. He was captured, and spent the remaining war years in a prison camp.
In 1919 he returned to the stage. This was the beginning of his fabulous career, which has taken him all over the world. His film career started in 1929 and in recent years he has made a number of films in Hollywood. Despite his 75 years, the now silver-haired Chevalier can still put over a love-song in his accustomed masterly style. He is one of the few artistes who can hold the stage alone for hours.
The famous broken-English accent, the irresistible grin and the straw hat at a rakish angle all have become Chevalier’s own trade marks. So, too, has “Louise”, the song he made famous and the one which has become his signature tune.
All over the world the name of Maurice Chevalier has been identified with romantic songs. Even today, it is rare for Chevalier to be allowed to leave the stage without singing at least one of these numbers.
He has worked in every sphere of the entertainment world. He has appeared before royalty many times in Command Performances. His artistry has captivated world-wide audiences.